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The Pool

Venice Biennale 2016, Australian Exhibition

‘Through my role with the Australian Institute of Architect’s Venice Biennale Committee I had the opportunity to engage closely with Isabelle and Amelia, and their team at Aileen Sage. The experience was both enjoyable and stimulating, and I was greatly impressed by the depth of their intelligence, creativity, and rigour. They are thoughtful architects of significant talent with the rare ability to communicate and engage responsively.  I have no hesitation in commending them to future clients.’

HASSELL Fellow, Honrary Professor UNSW, President ASBEC

The Pool was conceived as a multi sensory installation space within the Australian Pavilion, exhibited as part of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016. The Pool brought together a complex collaborative group combining multiple creative industries, academics, technical and engineering experts and nationally significant cultural commentators.

Creative Directors: Amelia Holliday, Isabelle Toland, Michelle Tabet
Advisor: Olivia Hyde
Identity and Book Design: Stephen Goddard (Project Two)
Sound Artist: Bree Van Reyk
Audio Interview Editor: Kate Montague
Acoustic and Audio Engineer: Christopher Sims, Arup
Lighting: Nick Schlieper and Sian James-Holland
Chair design and production: Elliat Rich in collaboration with the Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT)
Scent Artist:  Lyn Balzer and Tony Perkins with Maison Balzac
Engineers: Event Engineering
Pool Engineer: Livio Chiarot
Builder: Lochbuild
Photography: Brett Boardman, Alexander Mayes
Voices: Ian Thorpe, Shane Gould, Tim Flannery, Paul Kelly, Hetti Perkins, Anna Plunkett, Luke Sales, Anna Funder, Christos Tsiolkas

The Pool (The Book) please contact

Radio Podcasts of the voices in the space can be heard on ABC Radio National.

Anerle Aneme Chair
Anerle Aneme means 'sit a little while' in the Central Australian Arrente language. 
Designed by industrial designer Elliat Rich and fabricated specifically for this exhibition through an Indigenous Training program in Alice Springs, the chair can be purchased from the Centre for Appropriate Technology
